Kids…they are so funny sometimes! Some of the things that come out of those little mouths, you’d never imagine. The funny thing is, half the time, they don’t even realize they’re being funny! I know there are many times my girls have said something that made me laugh out loud, here are just a few.
What are some of the funny things your kids have said?

Sometimes my boys said something that makes me smile too, too bad I can’t remember at this moment :(( I think because I less sleep last night.
The one about the batteries made me laugh! When my son was in preschool he came home and kept singing “I pee I pee with my family.” It seemed like a strange song for them to teach him at preschool. When we went to the end-of-year celebration we found out the actual words were “I’m a VIP in my family.” That made much more sense!
haha! too cute!
I just posted something similar today.
Peanut said pajinas. I asked if he meant pajamas. He said Yeah pajamas. Good because it sounded like v*ginas. Lol 2 year old does that when she says one thing, but means something else..i’ll have to think of some of the words she says
Ha! KIds can be so cute sometimes!
Love that last American Idol comment, LOL! Kids always tell the truth 🙂
Hilarious! Sometimes I wish I remembered to bring a pen and paper with me at all times, to record what comes out of their little mouths. I could be writing it down all day long! 😉
This is such a cute post. My oldest has said some super funny things to. Times like this make me so proud to be a mom.
Interesting. I too wrote a funny post today taking a pot shot at the grown up boys.
My kids are always saying funny things or asking me funny things – I wish I could remember them all, they’d make a great book!
A book filled with all the funny things say would be great!
My youngest has the cutest little souther accent…not sure where she got it. We love hearing her say BASH for bath and AHS Cream for ice cream!
When my girls were younger
Me: We are going to Miami…
Them: Yippy mommy we get to go to yourami…
They never understood until they were a lot older that it was not “My” Ami.. but Miami…
lol..that’s too funny!
Jess: umm moommy…daddy’s a mermaid.
Me: daddy’s a what?
Jess: a mermaid
Me: why’s daddy a mermaid
Jess: cause he did!
Perfectly logical for the 2 year old!
Gotta love what comes out of their mouths!
Great post!
LOL! Kids do say the funniest stuff sometimes. My son didn’t start talking till he was four (autism), but actually said a complete sentence at 2. My dad was driving through the Ozark mountains. The roadside was a steep cliff down. My son grabs hold to his car seat, stares wide-eyed out the window and announces loudly: OMG, we are all gonna die!
How funny and totally cute too! Kids do say the funniest things, keeps us feeling young 😉
Very cute! I should have written things down as they said them… something that every parent should really do or you’ll wish you did, lol
I know! These are just a few that I had written down. There was so much more, but I don’t remember
There are some nights where I’ve said that about American Idol too! Cute!
Hahaha, love it. My kids are always saying weird and crazy things. I love how differently they look at the world than I do.
Kids are hilarious. Reminds me of that show kids say the darnest things.
Your kids are adorable! And, yes, they come out with the craziest stuff!
That’s true! Kids are really funny. My 6 years old would blurt words that would cracked me up!
lmao that’s adorable xD
HAHAHA!!!! Love it!
hahaha what a great post and sooo needed it today to give me a laugh.. totally adorable.. thanks for sharing
cute grandon had me cracking up when we were talking about cars and we saw a cadillac we liked ..he said whats a cak-a lac!!!
My daughter cracked me up when she said, “since you are done work for the day massage my stinky feet.”
LOL I love the one about American Idol, haha
HA! Kids are too funny! My 4 year old has been cracking me up lately too.
This is the #1 reason why my partner wants kids already.. he finds the things they say hilarious!
LOL! Kids are so funny! Can’t wait for my daughter to start talking 😀
Our five-year-old daughter is the same way! It seriously never gets old. I have NO idea what will come out of her mouth next!
That was very funny! I wished my son would talk but autism has his brain locked down when it comes to speech
LOL!! These made me laugh so much! My kids are also very comical, and say the funniest things. Sometimes they say a little too much!
The things my kids do and say are a constant source of light and levity to my life. Without them, there would be so much more heaviness. I love to see the world through their eyes and laugh at their picture of life.
I love that your blogging what they’re saying. I forget so much of the cute things they utter every day!
We were all shooting basketball after dinner tonight- my husband always says “none shall pass”
And then my 4 year old daughter kept saying “nacho path” over and over.
I love kid word mix ups
Haha! Kids are too funny! My daughter one asked, what moons eat, i asked her why she thought moons ate…she said that I told her the moon was full and she wondered what it ate LOL!
So cute! I love when my daughter says silly stuff too!
I love the funny things little kids say – they mix up things or mispronounce words, so funny!
The other day my 3 year old told me she wasn’t big enough to skateboard in the water. Still not sure what she was referring to:)
lol…maybe she was talking about surfing?
HAHA I love when my kids say funny things too