Do you find yourself having trouble saving money? Some of us are savers while others tend to be spenders! I’m a saver, my hubby, he’s more of a spender, although when he tries, he can be pretty good at saving too.
I’ve decided to share some ways you can SAVE a little money this month. Make a change and try these tips out for yourself. You may come to realize how making these changes can really make a big difference when it comes to saving money. What will you do with the extra cash? Save it for Christmas, put it in your Travel Fund, build your “emergency” savings account, or pay off debt. The choice is yours.
1- Lower your cell phone. Cut back on data. I did this and saved $20 a month. Yes, I have to watch my data more closely, but it’s doable and worth it if you want to save money. For the latter, that is the energy bills, you can switch to energy efficient french doors, windows as well as appliances. Of course, it wouldn’t be advisable to get these upgraded all at once, but as the need arises, you should look for energy efficient items to keep the bill at a significant low.
2- Don’t buy soap or shampoo this month. Now is the time to use up all those mini bottles you got from hotel stays and sample packets you got in the mail.
3- Eat out of your fridge, freezer and cupboards. Try not to go to the grocery store unless completely necessary. If you’re anything like my family, you’ve got enough food in your freezer to last awhile. You may have to get creative coming up with meal ideas, but it can work.
4- Keep your HVAC maintained. Regular maintenance of your HVAC appliances with the help of companies like Total System Services can help you save energy bills. So, make sure you get regular annual maintenance work done on time.
5- Skip Starbucks. Is a stop at Starbucks part of your daily routine? Cut it out for one month and see how much you save!
6- Quit Smoking. This is a big one. Not only will you be saving money, you’ll be healthier too! I’ve never been a smoker, so I really don’t know how hard it is to quit, but I imagine it’s very hard. However, if you can do it, quit smoking!
7- Carpool. Do you live near a co-worker? Does your neighbor drive her kids to school too? Whether you’re carpooling the kids to school or with a co-worker to get to work, it’ll help to save some money. Take turns daily or weekly and everyone will end up with some extra cash each month.
8- Buy Used – Need something? Maybe your TV broke or your kids need some new clothes, rather than buying these things brand new, buy them used! In fact, you can even consider buying used for bigger expenses such as cars or vans. But be careful, and remember to get the car checked by a service that provides vehicle inspections in Edmonton or wherever you plan on buying your car. In order to save money, people often forgo due diligence and buy the cheapest car available on the market only to be scammed. You could get sold a car that would break down soon after you buy it, and then you’d be more broke than you already were.
If you could do better with a pick-up truck for the family, then you can find a very very good ford f350 7.3 l powerstroke diesel for sale from Zemotor or other dealerships. Buying used can be very economical if you do your research and find cars that are in good shape. It’s true! You’ll save A LOT of money by buying used, and most times, you can find used items in really good condition. Shop for these items on Craigslist, ebay, thrift stores or at local yard sales!
9- Use Coupons and Cash Back sites when Shopping Online. Before you make any online purchase, there are two things you should do. First, shop through a Cash Back site such as Ebates or Top Cash Back. These sites will give you a percentage of cash back on your purchase. I’m a member of both Ebates and Top Cash Back. What I usually do is check both sites and whichever offers the greatest percentage back is the one I’ll shop through for my purchase. All you have to do is visit the site and search for the merchant you want to make a purchase at. It’s very simple. I have received over $400 in “Big Fat Payments” since I started using Ebates! Second, do a Google the store you’re purchasing from along with the words “promo code” or “coupon code”. By doing this, you may end up with a coupon that will save you some money.
10- Spend the Weekend at Home. Weekends are our time for family fun. We normally go shopping, to the movies, or to the beach. The problem with weekends is, it’s the time we spend the most money! Any time we’re out and about, we’ll be spending money. Whether it’s for gas, food, or entertainment, going out costs money. Instead of going out this month, spend your weekends at home. Have a family movie day, a water balloon fight, fill up the pool, clean the yard, wash the car, etc. If you sound your weekends at home this month, you’ll be happily surprised by how much money you saved!
Is there anything I’ve missed? Please share in the comments! I’m always looking for more ways to SAVE MONEY each month.

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