Do you go shopping on Black Friday? Is it one of those times you look forward to all year long? Find & Save did a survey on Black Friday Shoppers that shows how, when and why they shop, and their strategies for finding the best deals.
The survey compared the results of two different types of Black Friday Shoppers, the Early Birds and the Night Owls. Which category do you fall in? Check out the Infographic below:
I’d consider myself a Night Owl. I look forward to Black Friday Shopping! I don’t leave my house though…I start Black Friday by doing my shopping online. Being that I live in Hawaii, the online deals start before midnight for me. I scour the web looking for any good deals I can find. There’s always a few things I’m looking for, and I’ll search for those first, then I’ll just browse to see if there are any deals I just can’t pass up. This way I can get deals from stores that we don’t have in our area. Usually, during the day, we’ll leave the house and do a little shopping at stores like Target, Walmart, Kmart, Home Depot and Macy’s and by then the crowds have died down and we’re still able to find some great deals.
With Find & Save you can discover local sales, all in one place! I love that you can create lists of items you’re interested in. You can save the lists to view in-store with your smartphone, share it with friends, or share it with the Find & Save community. I’m looking forward to using Find & Save this year when doing my Black Friday Shopping.

I plan on doing most of my shopping online this year. I refuse to support the stores starting their Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving at 9pm….soon there will be no Thanksgiving.