I recently made the switch from Blogger to WordPress, and I am very glad I did! It was a decision I took a while to make, but after asking other bloggers, I came to the conclusion that making the move was a good idea. I can honestly say I didn’t have any problems with blogger, but the possibility of Google shutting my blog down did scare me! Although it is a possibility, I dot think it happens very often. But there is a chance, and that’s a chance I don’t want to take! I also felt I would have a lot more options with WordPress. And..I was right! There’s a lot you can do to customize your WordPress blog.
So, where did I start? I already had a domain which I purchased from Go Daddy, so my first step was searching for a theme. There was a certain layout I was looking for, and after hours of searching I ended up finding this along with other great Premium WordPress Themes on Solostream. They have a great selection! I of course, know nothing about WordPress, or designing a website. So, after I found the theme I wanted, It was time to find someone to help me make the transfer and put it all together.
I feel so lucky to have come across eDee from This Is Script. She has been a HUGE help, and she’s wonderful to work with. Not only did she help with transferring my blog , she also set up my theme to look exactly the way I wanted. And dealt with all of my questions and requests. Now that I am all set up with WordPress, she is still there to help whenever I need it. I have lots of questions because it’s all so new to me! If you decide to make the switch from Blogger to WordPress, you’ll definitely want to get in touch with eDee. I also recommend This is Script to all bloggers as you can find TONS of great information there!
There’s a lot to learn with WordPress, but in the last two days since making the switch, I must say I have learned a lot! I’m so glad I took the leap, and super excited to see where I go from here!

New blog design looks great! I like the clean feel that it has. Nice!
Thanks! I was ready for a change. Took my a while to find a theme i really liked.
Hi Malia. Really love your blog design. I like the clean nice look.
Congratulations. It looks very professional, Malia, and you have oodles of great content choices.
thank you!
Great job!! I also moved two blogs from blogger to wp about four years ago.
I too have been struggling with the decision to switch from blogspot to wordpress…I am still not sure if I want to pay. I know that I can get it for as little as 4.95 a month, but, being unemployed, I have to make every penny count. :/
I really do recommend switching. I just wish I did it sooner!
Still on Blogger. Debating my next step… Thanks for stopping by my page!
Wow, love the design. I’m a new blogger (less than a month) and I already wish I had gone with wordpress instead of blogger. You make it sound easier than I thought to switch. I may just do that. Thanks for the advice.
Did you do the switch yourself? I’m not really feeling the need to switch, but the possibility of losing everything makes me really uneasy 🙁
No, there is no way I would have attempted it myself! lol. I had a lot of help from eDee, I have her link in the last paragraph. Or, if you want to see her portfolio go here http://stuckathomemom.com/category/portfolio. She is very easy to work with, and I am extremely happy with my blog now! If you purchase your hosting/domain through her she does it for free. I highly recommend going through her.