When do you start your Holiday shopping? Do you like to get your shopping done early? Or are you one of those crowding the malls on Christmas Eve? According to a survey taken by RetailMeNot during the summer, 46% of Americans plan to start shopping in October! And that is why they created The “OctoNovemCember” season!
So, what is “OctoNovemCember”? According to RetailMeNot: OctoNovemCember is, “the magical shopping season when great deals from one-day-only sales are available every day. As in: “All during OctoNovemCember I can save every day on the things I want from the stores I love!”
Are you ready to get in the Holiday spirit during this awesome season? Visit the RetailMeNot Holiday Hub, where you’ll find the BEST Holiday deals along with videos featuring the one and only Pumpkin-Headed Turkey Claus! In this weeks video, you’ll get a peek of the King of OctoNovemCember, the Pumpkin-Headed Turkey Claus!
Visit RetailMeNot’s Holiday Hub and share the story of OctoNovemCember with your friends on Facebook & Twitter, and you’ll be entered to win $1000 weekly shopping sprees!
and now for the GIVEAWAY…
Enter now for a chance to WIN one of 2 $25 VISA Gift Cards in honor of OctoNovemCember!
Disclosure: Gift Cards were provided by RetailMeNot for this post. Livin’ The MOMMY Life is not responsible for shipment of prize.

I usually start my holiday shopping right after thanksgiving.
I want books or clothes for christmas 😀
the day after Christmas
I started a couple months ago!
I would love some new clothes, thats always on my chistmas list lol!
I start shopping in November.
So far my wish list just has some XBox and Wii games for my sons and a Baby Buttercup horse for my daughter.
I usually started around November
I have tablets and Keurig on wishlist.
in october or all thru year mostly and in have jewelry on my wish list
I picked up a couple gifts the day after Christmas last year.
I try to buy things all year long that I can use for birthdays, Christmas, etc.
My Christmas wish list…just to have enough money to give my kids a good Christmas. It’s been a rough year & I haven’t been able to buy very much yet.
Usually start the middle of November
i wait till day after thanksgivng…
I actually shop throughout the year, buying things here or there along the way so I don’t get slammed at holiday time. But “officially” I try to start the lists and shopping in early November…
as soon as i win this gift card!
black friday!
I really want a Keurig! 🙂
I start after Thanksgiving
I have an iPhone on my wish list
Black friday
Good health and peace for all
I try to start shopping around the middle of August.
I want a Keurig for Christmas.
As soon is Christmas is over I start for the next year
I do not start until December because that’s usually when I may have money to do it with!
i look for great deals and cool finds all year long usually but just started buying a few weeks ago.
on my list is a cool locket from origami owl!
On mine I would love to have the Kitchen Aid mixer! 🙂
Mid October is when I start Christmas shopping
I have new boots on my Christmas Wish List
We just moved into our new home so, I now have PLENTY of space to store stuff… my Christmas shopping is a “year long” thing 🙂 i find a super good deal, I get it ! 🙂
On my personal wish list… a pair of leather boots!!
I started shopping a couple of months ago
In December.
A new laptop is on my list
On my wishlist is a job.
I start here and there. Any time during the year if I find a steal and just can’t beat the price or it is practically free, I will get it and then find someone to give it to when the holiday comes! I am always looking, lol!
I would love to receive a winter Jacket. I nice leather one or a pea coat. That is on my wishlist, or a coach pocketbook. That would be lovely, but I am not holding my breathe for either of them, lol!
I usually start late September to early October
I don’t usually want anything for Christmas, except for my children and family to be happy.
I almost done with Christmas shopping…I started at the end of August 🙂
I would love a hope chest this year!
I start my shopping in August. If I see a good deal or something someone would like, I pick it up.
When ever I see a bargain I can’t pass up! 🙂
New pots and pans! I know it sounds silly and practical… but I really want a super nice anodized or stainless set this year! 🙂
I want a Kuerig coffee maker for Christmas!
I start right after Christmas.I am a bargain shopper so If I see things on sale I try to get them while they are at a low price
The same thing that’s on my list every year…just for my kids to come away from Christmas knowing the real meaning and feeling Blessed.
I start Christmas shopping in October
A Nikon D3100 camera is on my list.
We usually don’t do holiday gifts unless they are homemade. I am already trying to make my list and get started. 🙂
I usually tend to wait until last minute to shop for the holidays. I really should start doing it earlier!
I really want a pandora bracelet for xmas this year!!!!
Im constantly looking for good deals and sales. So really almost all year round 🙂
I want an Ipad
november 1st! we have many people to buy for!
new clothes and home decor!
after thanksgiving.
A digital camera.
Black Friday
I want Bobbi Brown Makeup
around the end of nov
i really dont need anything i just hope to be able to get some things for my two yr old daughter
i’ve already started here and there, i have four kids so it’s hard to do it all in December
i don’t really expect anything, i probably want some pj’s – i’m happy as long as the kids are!
I actually start shopping a week b4 Christmas.
Usually I start shopping in the summer, but this year I am waiting until November.
I want a new rocking chair and pair of shoes
I usually start in Aug and am done by Halloween but that isn’t happening this year. I haven’t even started…sigh.
The week before !!
To have a good Christmas this year !! That is all !!
i start shopping a week or two before christmas
a new couch is on my list
When there are sales in the stores! 🙂
When and if I have money
A job that I can do
I usually start shopping for Christmas gifts around mid-November.
I usually start at the end of september
On my wish list is either a desktop computer or a laptop (because the one I have is pretty much done)
I start in November
I start shopping in December.
New bedding is on my shopping list.
I actually shop all year long – so I don’t start at any specific time.
I need to…lol!
I usually start thanksgiving day! Don’t ever have the money before then!
I have a kindle on my wish list>
I start in October because I don’t like crowds!
I don’t usually start ’til the middle of December, but I always intend to get started earlier. Maybe this is the year!! LOL
I’m really bad at the lady minute thing! But I do a Lott of Holiday “brainstorming” for gifts lol
On my Christmas wish list, hmmm… it’s hard to think about yourself when you’re a mom. Definitely need a new computer, ha!
oh that’s so true, I’ll have to agree with you! As a mom, I’m always thinking about my daughters rather than myself…we do deserve a special treat sometimes though 🙂
My wishlist is far too long to name everything. But I’d like to receive some kitchen supplies
september or october
christmas shopping right after christmas!
my Christmas wish list, ipad or iphone :))
I start shopping on black friday.
I shop here and there for different things, by the time december comes, its my little mans birthday, and christmas so I have something for both to give him.
In December.
well i try to start august but this year im broke so it probably wont be till nov
I already have! 🙂
A Keurig!!
I start shopping as early in the year as possible so that I make sure I can afford to buy for everyone and I do not forget anyone.
An Ipad and new clothes are on my Christmas Wish List.
I usually start my shopping at the Black Friday sales!
Sexy boots are on my wishlist.
Black Friday
A kindle fire
Any time I come across a good deal… Usually I start in spring
I start usually about July!
I would love a camera!
black friday
early november
I start shopping in September
A 50mm Nikon Lens is on my wish list!
Late afternoon, Dec. 24.
New computer.
I start after Thanksgiving.
i start after thanksgiving
I shop throughout the year!
Last minute shopper here. Need to change that.
A Nintendo 3DX
I usually start sometime in November.
An iPad is on my Christmas list.
I’m usually up on it by now, but this year has been filled with sad changes and the holidays really do seem to be sneaking up on me…
I’d really like a Kindle Fire. I have the original Kindle and when I read in bed at night the noise of the buttons disturbs my husband’s sleep.
August 🙂
I start shopping end of october….
My wish list includes money for my trip to italy in january!
right after thanksgiving
I shop all year long..the major stuff I wait until thanksgiving..thanks
All year long!!
I do it all year round!!
an iPad3!!!! or a Michael Kors purse!
Usually right around this time.
My Christmas list is $$$ for vacation
I just received some things in the mail today to put away for christmas gifts!
Black Friday and Cyber Monday. TY
Already starting! =]
On my wish list is a ipad or kindle fire
I start in September or October
I start november, 1
iPad is on my wishist
I’ve already started Christmas shopping!
On my wish list is a 40″ LCD TV
I’ve already started
I start my Christmas shopping whenever I have the cash!
I start shopping in November.
I start my holiday shopping around November or earlier if I find good things…
A new laptop…
On my wish list is bath and body works,dvd,clothes
Black Friday!
I would like a target gift card!
After Thanksgiving!
I don’t know what I want for Christmas. I have my family.. and my friends. Which is the most important.
Start of December!
An iPad would be great~
i do not shop for holidays. I shop all year round for bargains.
I would love for someone to give me gift cards.
Whenever I have a little extra money to spend and find a great deal!
The only thing I can think of I would want for Christmas is a new purse.
Usually on Black Friday. I’ve started early this year though
A pair of Tom’s Shoes
Normally end of october, beginning of November!
Depends on how much money I have to spend 🙂
I’ve already started to purchase things as I find them.
January 1st – I pick up things throughout the year.
I start whenever I find a good deal.
I shop for gifts throughout the year.
Whenever I see a good deal.
I need a new purse. lol
Im a single mom of 3 on a tight budget so start all year little by little collecting great deals and putting them up for the kids
Personally on my list is a new tablet PC , but I only shop for the kids so their wishlists include, a new princess bed, Nintendo DS, and toys for the baby
black friday
money lol
We usually start after March. Look for all the good deals!
Seeing my family for Christmas. And something special for my kids and husband.
I start at Black Friday.
Already started, like to start in September.
i start my shopping when i actually have money
one thing on my christmas list is peace of mind
I’m trying to get my shopping done now . Little pink trycicles and sketcher boots for my grandaughters.
I start in December.
A serger!
I shop all year long, just on the lookout for special things
i shop all year long for gifts
i want one of those hand stamped silver bracelets
I do my shopping after Thanksgiving
An e-reader is the only thing on my personal wish list 🙂
I already have.
A new toaster oven is on my list!
Already finished!
I started thinking about the holidays months ago, but I’m still holding out on starting the actual shopping.
Right after Christmas! I’ve got almost everyone’s presents made or bought!
A laptop. Mine died on me :/
I always get great deals at Target, like a bathing suit or cute top for only $2…
I LOVE Target!!
The best deal I’ve gotten would have to be at Joanns. Their Red Tag section is the bomb! Plus when they have 50% off that, with a 20% off total purchase I was able to get weather-proof fabric for about $1 a yard! It should have been about $15/yd!
That IS a great deal!
In the Summer time! Seriously, as early as I can .
Day after Thanksgiving
Best deal was free clothes, plus they owed me a quarter. At Target, with the mobile coupons. Score.
I Christmas shop all year long.
I start shopping in december when i have the cash to shop with..thank you
the best deal i ever got shopping was a coach wallet for 9.99..thanks
WOW! That’s a really good deal for Coach!
I am getting what i want for Christmas.My son will be home on leave.I haven’t see him in over a year 🙂
A few years ago we were able to get my mom a computer pretty cheap from Best Buy Black Friday sale 🙂
On Black Friday!
I usually start my holiday shopping right after thanksgiving. =)
One of the best deals I got was a brand new maternity jacket for $2.50.
usually in mid Oct. this year I have no idea when I will be able too
I start shopping mid November!
I usually start on Black Friday. But I’m ahead this year, I’ve got a few done already!
The best deal I ever got was a pair of jeans for less than $5!
My best deal was three pairs of shoes for $15 total. Boston Store clearance room, with an extra 80% off!
I got a leather jacket from Levi’s that is worth 600-700 dollars, for only 200. that was a good deal!
a tablet!!!
Right after Halloween.