Have you invested in a HP printer but are worried about keeping it in good working order so that you don’t end up having to replace it? Rather than trying to work it out for yourself, take some time to run through our handy guide and never be confused about printer maintenance again.
Store Your Printer Properly and Keep it Clear of Debris
Many printer owners find that no matter how organised and tidy they are, their printer often gets piled up with papers, books and things that need to be done. However, if you are one of these people then you could be damaging your printer beyond repair.
Printers need to be kept clear and dust-free to work properly and over stacking your printer can cause it to shut itself off and not turn on until it is clear. Continually weight being added to a printer will eventually cause it to break so make sure that you keep yours clutter free. If you find too many things being placed on the printer, consider getting a tambour cupboard to store all of these things. With plenty of space, they can be used to keep all of your documents safe and the printer clutter-free.
Run the Built-In Printer Head Cleaning Programme
Every HP printer comes with a built-in printer head cleaning programme that runs automatically when you set it to run. Failing to run this programme every three to six months will mean that your ink nozzles will clog up and stop working properly.
Clogged nozzle will either stop the flow of ink or change it so that your printing jobs look messy and unkept. However, the HP cleaning programme will resolve these issues without you needing to do anything other than click on it to start and print a test page at the end!
Install High Quality Ink Cartridges
No matter how tempted you may be to install cheap ink, avoid this at all costs! Cheap ink can cause a lot of damage to your printer and will not produce the results you need. It may therefore be necessary to purchase genuine ink replacements from nearby Copiers and Printers ink services. It may extend the life of the printer and improve the quality of the printing. Aside from this, real ink is generally eco-friendly, offers better compatibility, comes with a warranty, and can be easily disposed of.
Do an online search for your HP Envy 4500 ink replacement or any other ink cartridge and then find an ink seller that specialises in ink cartridges. A great way to know if the one you find it worth choosing is to check out their returns policy and customer service as well as seeing whether they only sell ink. When you find the right supplier, you can look forward to great ink at great prices!
Enjoy Your Printer for Longer
When you follow our tips to keeping your machine maintained then you can look forward to better results and longer lasting printing. Remember that a dust build-up can cause your printer to slow down and storing items on top of your printer can even stop it working.
Clean your printer head once every three to six months for the best results and always get the best quality replacement ink from a company like Smart Ink. With these three simple steps you are guaranteed to prolong the life of your printer for many years to come.

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