Cleaning up your house and decluttering can be a great way to take care of yourself. There might not be any harm with a little household clutter. The problem is that many people feel overburdened and out of control when they surround themselves with more things than they can manage.
This is why many people tend to declutter their homes at various times during the year. Maybe they prefer to do it as a part of the spring cleaning schedule, while some choose to declutter their rooms when prepping the house for a sale. This is often because people want to upgrade their living style by moving into a new house and selling the old one. People like them often end up visiting real estate forums and asking other people: How do you sell a home for cash? Well, the process can be as simple as filling up a form on a real estate website. That said, even after moving into a new house, you may need to follow some basic decluttering rules so as to avoid making a mess.
For example, over time, kids tend to accumulate so much junk stuff. It can become quite overwhelming to say the least. It’s a really good idea to make it a point to clean through kids clothes and belongings once a year at the very least. If you can do it more often, that’s even better.
So, where do you start? Read on for the method I use to clean & de-clutter my kids room. It may take some time, but it really works.
Divide the room into “sections” – clothes, toys, books, etc. Clean, clear, and organize one section at a time. It doesn’t all need to be done in one day. Chances are, it could take a few days, maybe even a week. You can do thorough research on room interiors and how you can properly create and separate different sections for various items that are the cause of clutter in kids’ rooms. For instance, you can check out the profile of Helen Coulston or similar interior bloggers to acquire ideas and learn how to implement them. Keep the process slow so that you can improve the effectiveness of your changed room design.
Clothes – Have your child go through their clothes. Remove everything they don’t like, don’t wear, or those that no longer fit. If clothes aren’t already organized by type, now is the time to do it. Further, collect all the dirty clothes and send them to a laundry service for cleaning. You can organize and separate your clothes appropriately by following the instructions in a laundry guide (such as The Laundress’s guide).
It would be ideal to have a drawer for socks, underwear and swimwear, one for shorts and pants, one for tops, and one for sleepwear. Hang clothes by type as well -sleeveless, short-sleeved, long sleeved tops, dresses, jackets etc. By being organized, kids will have an easier time finding the clothes they want to wear.
Toys– Toys! This has become a major problem in my house. My girls have so many toys! I’m partially to blame, of course. Although I’m not one who buys a new toy every time we go to the store, I am guilty of buying too many gifts at Christmas time at for birthdays. It happens once a year, why not splurge? right? Wrong! Too many gifts just adds to the clutter, and, I have to admit, they really don’t play with all their toys anyway. My kids have a few toys they play with often and everything else either gets ignored or thrown on the floor.
What to do with all these toys? Clean them out. You can have a garage sale or sell on Craigslist to make some extra cash, donate them or give them to a child who may not be as fortunate, or give outgrown toys to a younger friend/relative. My husband (who gets very frustrated with the excessive amount of toys, especially when they’re on the floor) would say to just throw them away, but I can’t see myself throwing out things that can still be used.
Books – Books are great. It’s always nice to have a wide selection of books. Throughout the years I’ve purchased a large number of books, especially at yard sales where I could get them for cents. Moreover, I may also buy them african american children books in the future so that kids can know more about the diverse culture and traditions as well as learn to appreciate and respect those. However, the amount of books my kids have could become a problem. Books are just another factor that leads to excess clutter, but that doesn’t mean you should get rid of them.
Be sure to have a designated space for your kids books. A bookshelf, is the ideal space for books as they’ll be easily accessible for the kids. If you don’t have a bookshelf, a storage bin or box will do. Most important is that they have a space so they don’t end up all over the place. Once your kids have outgrown certain books, give them away.
Once you’ve de-cluttered, and organized, you’ll be happy with what you’ve accomplished. Your kids will be happy too! I find that whenever I clean and clear out their things, they end up finding toys or clothes they’ve completely forgot about as it just got lost in all the clutter. Finish up with a thorough cleaning. Vacuum carpets, and sweep and mop wood or tile floors. Dust the furniture, tv, etc. Have your kids help, it’s important that they do. It’s their room, and they need to take pride in it. They need to learn to be responsible.
Set some rules for your kids. Be sure they know how important it is to keep their space nice and neat. Remind them that when they’re done with an item, put it in its proper place. Have a cleaning day once a week where you and your kids do a quick dusting, mopping, sweeping, vacuuming. Most important is to lead by example. If you do not have a clean space, how can you expect your kids to have one?

hi, we have a LARGE collection of DVD’s and put them alphabetically, just like books. most bookshelves can serve the same purpose and everyone can find what they want.
These are really great ideas, especially the ideas about clothes, its seems like it takes no time at all for drawers and closets to be filled with outgrown clothes.
Great tips, I ave been decluttering and purging our home of excess all weekend. Wish I ad found your blog first lol!
My daughters drawers are overflowing and she has so many books. These are some helpful tips and I need to put them to use!!
These are really useful ideas! I am facing the same problem with the cluttered room of my three kids. It is really daunting task to go and clean the room every day or two. Toys and clothes are always on the ground and I try to tech the kids to put them on their places. I am a working mom and as a general cleaning the whole house comes difficult for me. Thank you for sharing your experience!
Thanks for the tips. I’m fixing to declutter my sons room today while he is at school.