*And the Winner is…#4, Olivia Douglas!
Howard B. Wigglebottom and the Power of Giving: A Christmas Story is a cute story, with a wonderful message, and a great lesson to be learned. Howard B. Wigglebottom is a bunny who wants everything! For him, Christmas is the season for “getting” rather than giving. I’m sure there are a lot of children out there who are the same way. By the end of the story Howard learns all about giving and sharing. The illustrations are beautiful! At the end of the book there’s a “Lessons and Reflections” section which goes over some topics and questions that you can discuss with your child. This would also make a great book for a pre-school or elementary class. There are more Howard books which all teach a lesson of some sort, including telling the truth and learning to listening. “Howard B. Wigglebottom learns to listen” might be helpful for my four year old!
The Howard B. Wigglebottom books are a part of the We Do Listen Foundation. The We Do Listen Foundation is a non-profit organization who’s goal is to enable children to feel good about themselves and to learn important lessons on listening, bullying, anger management, moderation, truth, divorce, peer pressure, belonging, generosity, sportsmanship, and attention. It’s geared for children 4-8 years old, although some older children may enjoy it as well. Their website is filled with such educational resources as animated books, games, and songs as well as lessons to be learned. My daughter enjoyed the games, especially finding Howard! I like that they are not only fun, but they all help develop certain skills. I LOVE the animated books. They are the same books that you can purchase hard-cover copies of, but you can “watch and listen” to them online. The lessons found on the site are a really helpful resource.
You now have the chance to win (1) Howard B. Wigglebottom book of your choice! First complete the mandatory entry, Than you can complete any of the extra entries as you like. For each entry, leave a comment on this post.
Mandatory Entry (leave your e-mail address with each entry)
Visit http://www.wedolisten.org/ and tell me which Howard B. Wigglebottom book you would like to win
Extra entries
1. “like” Howard B. Wigglebottom on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Howard-B-Wigglebottom/111564547406 and share this giveaway on your wall
2. Follow Howard B. Wigglebottom on twitter @Hbwigglebottom and tweet the following
*“Enter the Howard B. Wigglebottom book Giveaway from @Hbwigglebottom @livinmommylife http://livinthemommylife.blogspot.com/2011/10/howard-b-wigglebottom-book-review.html “* (tweet once a day)
3. Follow Livin’ The MOMMY Life via Google Friend Connect
4. Follow @livinmommylife on twitter
5. Google +1 this post
6. “like” Livin’ The MOMMY Life on facebook
Giveaway open to residents of the US and Canada and ends 11:59 p.m. on October 28, 2011. Winner will be chosen using random.org
I received a Howard B. Wigglebottom book for review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Hi following you on twitter!:0)
I like the one about bullying – we are dealing with that right now with my oldest.
HI, I’m a new follower from the Tuesday blog hop.
I would like the “listen to his heart”
I like Howard B. Wigglebottom on Facebook.
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1+ this post 🙂
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i like the book learns to listen
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im following @livinmommylife on twitter
i liked Livin’ The MOMMY Life on facebook
I like the ‘Howard B. Wigglebottom Blends in Like Chameleons’ book.
I like the ‘Howard B Wigglebottom learns to listen’
Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen is the book I would get for my daughter.
I liked the Howard B. Wigglebottom FB page
I am now a twitter freind.
I Googled freinded you
I like the Monkey on my back book
and finally, thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂 If you can, please follow me back!
I like the monkey on my back 🙂
I would want the “Learns Too Much of A Good Thing Is Bad” one 🙂
I like them on Facebook and shared the giveaway.
I follow on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/queanahearts/status/126505878529642497
I like the “Listens to His Heart” book! Great messages!
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/FictionOneForty/status/126552261081051136
I like Howard B. Wigglebottom on Facebook.
I follow livinthemommylife on GFC!
I follow livingmommylife on Twitter!
I like Livin’ The MOMMY Life on FB!
I’d like to have howard b wiggelbottom learns to listen
i follow you via gfc under Tabitha
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I like Listens to his Heart
I like the “Blends in Like Chameleons” Book
Mandatory: I like the “Learn To Listen” book.
I like Howard B. Wigglebottom on FB and shared the giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=184623154951239&id=100002590774517
GFC follower MichelleS
I follow you on Twitter @MiMichelle_03
I Google+ this post as Michelle S.
I like Livin’ The Mommy Life on FB (Michelle S).
I would like to win the learns to listen book. katers2714@yahoo.com
google +1 the post. katers2714 atyahoo.com
follow you on twitter. katers2714 at yahoo.com
Follow you with GFC. katers2714@yahoo dot com
like you on facebook. katers2714@yahoo dot com
i would enjoy the christmas story book! daniellex at gmail dot com
i would like the Power of Giving book. It looks like a good one to share during the holiday season.
liked you on facebook.
Would love the Power of Giving book
Hey Tweetheart!
I tweeted, am now following your blog, also liked your facebook page and connected on Networked Blogs! About to tweet your tweetness now!
Good luck everyone, you girls look really competitive!
..And than I just realized it’s not open to us Aussies anyway 🙁 Ah well, following you anyways mate!! Let me know when you have an open one!!
I like the “learning to listen” book.
ra1hbread84 at yahoo dot com
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ra1hbread84 at yahoo dot come
I tweeted: Enter the Howard B. Wigglebottom book Giveaway from @Hbwigglebottom @livinmommylife http://livinthemommylife.blogspot.com/2011/10/howard-b-wigglebottom-book-review.html
ra1hbread84 at yahoo dot come
I like the Learn to Listen Book
I like the “Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns Too much of a Good Thing is Bad” and I like the Christmas book you have featured:)
I would love to win the learns to listen book
brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com
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brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com
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brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com
I’m hoping to win the Christmas book but I’d also love the “learns about bullies”.
Tamra auggies@comcast.net
Following HBWiggleBottom on Twitter and Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/OnMyVTPorch/status/128284324880596992
Tamra auggies@comcast.net
I am following your blog via GFC.
Tamra auggies@comcast.net
I am following you on twitter. @onmyvtporch
Tamra auggies@comcast.net
i’d like the “learns to listen” book (dealbunny20@gmail.com)
i follow u on twitter (@cass_k20) dealbunny20@gmail.com
i like u on fbk (kimberly graham) dealbunny20@gmail.com
TOo much of a good thing
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