We’ve been to a bunch of yard and garage sales during the past few weekends, and I’ve come across some great deals. Here’s a few of the things I found.
Tinkerbell Chair $1.00
Assorted Books, was 10 for $1 ($0.10 each), but I ended up with 11 for $1.00 (Most were by Nicholas Sparks)
Desk organizers $0.50 each
My husband and I also found some great deals on:
clothes – $0.50 a piece
Fox dirtbiking Boots – $15.00
tools- $2.00-$8.00
cookbooks- FREE
Scrabble- FREE with purchase
assorted toys
and more….
What’s your best yard sale find?
Check out my post on TIPS for shopping at yard sales here.

My daughter would LOVE that chair! Thanks for following Mommy Time Out
love yard sale finds! new follower from the hop, would love a follow back
I love finding great yard sale finds too! Dropping by from Blog Hop Till You Drop. Stop by Saving Cent by Cent when you have a chance. http://savingcentbycent.blogspot.com/
I love a good deal. I usually find them at Goodwill BUT I’ve been told yard sales are where you can find the really good deals. I might be inspired to find some and check them out! I am your newest follower. I would be flattered if you stopped by and followed me back @ whilewearingheels.blogspot.com