Are you a member of CafeMom? I am! It’s one of my all time favorite sites! If you’re a mommy, or a soon-to-be mommy, you should definetely check it out. You are sure to find a group that’s a perfect match for you! There’s a group for everything, including photography, blogging, mom’s by age group, mom’s of toddlers, babies, preschoolers, etc. You can also start a group of your very own!

I agree Cafemom is a great place to be!
I used to go on CafeMom a lot…but it’s been a long time. Looks like they’ve improved things.
(Oh, and I wanted to thank you for actually linking the logo to CafeMom…so many bloggers don’t do that when they post a logo in their reviews, and it’s a pet peeve of mine). *grin*