Every year there’s a “HOT” toy for the Holidays. You know, the toy everyone wants, the toy that’s no where to be found as the Holidays draw near. Well, this year I’m guessing the Furby will be one of the Hottest Toys of the Holiday season. Furby is listed on Kmarts Fab 15! Toy list. The Fab 15! Toys is Kmarts list of the COOLEST toys of the season. These are the toys kids want and parents are, or will soon be, searching for!
Some of you may remember Furby from years ago. Well, this is a new version. Furby now comes in 6 awesome colors including the Teal Furby which I was so lucky to be able to review! When you first take your Furby out of the box, it will speak mostly Furbish. Over time, the more you play with your Furby, the more English it will start to speak. I love that each Furby will respond to other Furbys! They’ll also respond to your touch and music too! Each Furby’s personality will be shaped by the way you treat it, you may be surprised with what your Furby becomes!
Upon opening the box that Furby comes in, I was pleasantly surprised by how soft and cuddly it was! The teal is very vibrant, a beautiful color for this cute creature. Furby has LED eyes which change expressions depending on its mood.
If you have an iPad, iPod Touch, or iPhone, you can download the FREE Furby app. With the app you can feed your Furby, translate Furbish to English, and you’ll also get a Furbish dictionary. The app is a nice added touch to the Furby experience. Of course, if you don’t have an iPad, iPod Touch, or iPhone, you will still have tons of fun playing with your Furby!
I can honestly see myself playing with Furby along with my daughters! I think I’ll be buying another one as I’d love to see them interact.
You can order Furby now from Kmart online. They’re currently priced at $54.99. You can also look for them in Kmart stores. If Furby is on your childs Christmas Wish List, don’t wait, buy one now as they may be very hard to find as the Holidays draw near!
Want more toy ideas for the upcoming Holidays? Be sure to check out Kmarts Fab 15! Toys.
disclosure: I was provided with this product for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Sounds really interesting! I’d like to see how he responds to my baby!
That’s a pretty cool toy and very high tech without being complicated.
Oh wow, they are bringing these back! How cool. I remember them when I was a kid!
Super cute! Thanks for the review, I may have to add this to my Christmas list!!
i still am not conviced this toy is worth it, i really dnt like this toy but greta review!
Furby looks really cute, the big round eyes kind the creepy though but i like it. my daughter would love this lil thing
I remember the furby from before. I never had one but I think my daughter may like it.
I had a furby many years ago. It was so annoying. Hopefully this one is better.
Lucky you to get to review! My children want one so bad for Christmas!
These are so cute!
I love the Furby! I grew up with these–so cute!! Great gift idea for my daughter!
Great review. I think it is so funny that they made a come back…lol.
would be interested to get one from your review and see how it works to my phone and my daughter
I loved my furby as a kid! Maybe I will need to get my son one he is a little to young this Christmas though!
I vaguely remember seeing those. I never had one though. It’s just the kind of thing my daughter would like!
cool review. this is cute 🙂 my kids will like this for sure
I love Furbies…still have a few of the original ones 🙂
Still can’t believe they brought Furby back! I have one of the originals in a box somewhere!
I can’t believe they have brought these back, how fun! I remember when they were all the rage years ago! I wish I still had my original Furby! They are cute, and would make a perfect gift!
We have a vintage Furby from back in the day. My Father in Law bought a new version of the Furby for our daughter for Christmas this year. I am curious to see how Valerie reacts to it, and how the older model interacts with it.
I want one of these! I have a couple of the older ones! Love Furby!!
Omg I want the furby, I had one a long time ago 🙂
i love em might get one for my daughter
It’s crazy that they cost so much more than the originals…inflation I guess 🙂
Cute! I remember having a Furby when they first came out! I bet your girls love it!
I remember these cute little fuzzy fellows where out in the early 90’s and everyone including myself wanted to one and my Mom bless her heart fought to get me one and I still have it!
I never wanted a furby…. probably because I can’t remember them at all. Where they ever available in Canada? Anyhow, they look adorable and my youngest girl would love one of these.
My daughter wants one of these..I am hoping prices will come down a bit before Christmas on them though. I think they are fun and cute..but expensive none the less
I had a furby when I was about 12, lol! It is pretty cool to see that it is back again and my son will be 5 in November. He hasn’t show much interest in the ads and in the store to the furby, lol!
I remember Furby. My cousin had one and it worked with cassette tapes back then. I think it’s come a long way.
I had a furby when I was younger.. looks like furby went all tech this year …with the furby app and all! I may have to get one 😀
I was curious about the new Furby. I had a couple growing up and I absolutely loved them… I can see myself purchasing this in the near future.
I had gotten the Furby when they came out the first time and loved it then.I love the colors they have now.It’s gonna be interesting to see the Furby respond with the iPad and iPhones.I know my grandchildren will love the Furby!!
thanks for the review! i already picked one up for my daughter for christmas, i have a feeling they will be popular. i had one as a kid and my daughter has it now it’s definetly not as exciting as the new one!
I remember having a Furby when they first came out. They seem so much cooler now!
I remember playing with Furby!! My daughter wants the purple one!!
My sons wants a Furby like crazy!!
Aw, I love that Furby. I love the purple one.
I remember when Furbies were popular years ago!! I didn’t care for them then and I still don’t. I think they are rather ugly, but I know kids love them.
I remember having these when I was younger. I’m always quite amused at what companies choose to bring back, lol. These however, are quite the cuteness!
I had Furbies growing up now my kidos want them lol
Sounds like a great substitution for a pet!!
I Love the color, thank you for sharing
I cant believe that these are back – mu kids loved them when they first came out.
I can’t believe these are back again, lol! I was about 11 or 12 when they came out, and had to have one….I had so much fun with my Furby, lol! I really enjoyed your review and it brought back some memories! My son is going to be 5 and now he wants a furby…..
i cant believe furby is back. oh nostalgia!
my grand-daughter has one and nobody can touch it unless she is in a good mood…..which is never