Back in July 2012 my husband and I had decided to start a journey of being healthy. We got rid of all the unhealthy foods in our house and went shopping for healthy options. We spent time in the grocery store reading labels and were amazed by all the bad stuff they put in the foods we thought were “healthy”. Along with eating healthy we also started the Insanity workout. It was intense, a definite challenge, but we pushed through!
I had written a post after one month of our workouts showing our progress so far. It felt great that we were doing so well. I could feel my body changing for the better every day.
Some of you may have noticed that I never posted part 2 with our final results. Why? Well, unfortunately just a few days before we were done, my hubby went back to work. He’d come home in the evenings too tired to exercise. I couldn’t motivate myself to do it on my own, so that was it, we just stopped. I could kick myself! I’m disappointed that I didn’t just stick with it. Now I can’t say I completed the Insanity challenge. It was definitely a great workout. and the results showed that it really worked. But next time, I might need extra motivation to follow the whole routine.
We all know that pursuing a diet and fitness plan can be hard, especially for people who don’t like following limitations or want to give up on sweets and carbs. I am no exception to that!! Maybe, I can look for influencers or explore success stories of people and celebrities on who have achieved their desired fitness goals and weight loss. Sometimes, inspiration can be enough to make you get through difficult tasks.
Here we are about a week or two after the Insanity Workouts. I want that body back!
So, what happened after we quit the Insanity workout? Well, we continued to eat healthily and were able to keep the weight off for a couple of months, then the holidays rolled around. Halloween candy, Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas desserts, gifts of food, and yummy dinners, the weight started piling back on. Food was truly my weakness! It still is.
Now it’s May, and sadly I am back where I started in July 2012. I didn’t realize I had gained all that weight back. I feel so guilty now. All our efforts have gone in vain. I think had I been just a little active all this time, while still enjoying my favorite meals, I wouldn’t have been here. I just didn’t weigh the options available to me. I could have simply gone on walks after meals or played with kids. Or I could have simply bought one of the best home gym treadmills to work out at home. If not for that, I could have gotten a gym subscription. This could have offered me multiple benefits. Not only could I have worked out and kept my weight under check, but also would have gotten a chance to socialize. Besides this, I could have also explored a tennis court around the corner (maybe through a tennis coach website) once in a while to shed all those extra calories I was consuming. And also sports are so fun to engage in. I certainly miss being so ignorant and gaining back all the pounds I lost.
You know, I just bought some new shorts recently and my normal size didn’t fit. But luckily I figured out that the sizes were wrong! There was no way I could’ve gone up a size, right? I finally jumped on the scale, something I haven’t done in months, and unfortunately, it was true, I had gained all that weight back. I decided it was definitely time for a change. I finished up my pint of Ben & Jerry’s in the freezer as there was no way I was gonna let that go to waste. Then I told myself, now is the time to really do it, and the very next day I did.
It’s time to be healthy once again. Time to shed this weight. This time, I might try a few other methods along with regular workouts to achieve physical fitness and shed some weight. For instance, I can try sports like running, swimming, cycling, etc., which can work as cardio exercise, or maybe yoga and meditation to gain mindfulness since that can help to incorporate healthy living habits. These small changes might help me to get more consistent with my workouts and reduce the chances of fitness relapse. This time, I don’t want to back to old ways after putting so much effort into reaching my fitness goals.
Here’s my “BEFORE” pic, taken a few days ago. Let’s hope I see a change soon.
I’ve been drinking Shakeology once a day and using it as a meal replacement for either breakfast or lunch. I love it! I’ll write a post on it soon. I stopped snacking so much during the day, and really think about what I’m putting into my body. I bought a really cute dress at Macy’s. It’s my goal dress as I can’t wear it just yet. It’s fitted and shows off my belly. I swear it makes me look 3 months pregnant! I’m hoping that in a month or two i’ll be able to actually go out in public with it. I’m going to do this, and hopefully this time I stick with it! Wish me luck!
Want to get healthy too? Join my Get Fit Be Healthy group on Facebook! Sign up at Beachbody HERE. Let’s face this journey together 🙂

You’ll do it again! I’m at a crossroads – 10 months after having a baby and am 2-3 sizes smaller than when I got pregnant, want to keep going, but also want to have another baby next year. I do what I can now, eating healthy and daily exercise, but figure I’ll REALLY get down to business once I’m done having kiddos! Good luck!
sounds like you’re doing great!
Congrats, you look amazing. I wish I had the drive to achieve this!
Wow, you’re doing fantastic!
You will get there! I know how hard it is and am trying to get back in the right mindset myself.
Good luck
It really IS hard to get motivated by yourself. I find it’s so much easier when I have my husband or a buddy to get active with. Good luck on the next leg of your health journey!
Good luck! I’m looking forward to seeing progress pics!
I’ve been motivated this year but I’m not where you are. Keep up the good work!
Wow, keep up the great work! It’s something about Spring that makes me want to work out and get in shape but i’m not as committed as you are!
I too am struggling to get healthy. I’ll have one really successful week and then the next week things get crazy and I get off track.
Good luck! I just started back again as well after stopping. Long road ahead lol!
LOL, I wouldn’t have let the ice cream go to waste either haha… but anyway, you will do great. You did great last time and you will again. The first step is making this decision. I can’t wait to see your results.
Thanks for linking up last week. My linky is live this week if you want to link up again.
I so need to get back into shape. I have gained so much weight! I hear a lot about Shakeology, and I really think I am going to give it a try!Good luck to you!
Great article! My husband bought the Insanity workout and did extremely well, then we moved to the second floor of an apartment building, so he can no longer do the jumping and running on the DVD. Needless to say, he’s gained the weight back too 🙁
Yeah, with all that jumping, there’s no way you can do it on the second floor with people below! It is so easy to gain the weight back once you stop the workouts.
I know that this post is older but you can do it! I am almost 38 weeks pregnant with my third baby. I am hoping that after she is born that I have the same motivation as you to get back on track and lose the baby weight. However, I am a little scared about what my body will look like after delivery. Three kids really take a number on your body! Good luck!
Thanks! Yes, it was written a while ago, and now I’m back to right where I was when I wrote this post. “It’s time to get fit and be healthy!” It really is so hard. Lots of hard work, motivation, and determination needed! Thanks for writing this though…it gave me a bit of motivation, knowing I need to get going!!
I admire your fitness journey