I’ve been wanting to share these pictures for a while, but I kept forgetting to post it. We were at the beach a couple weeks ago, when I saw the weirdest thing, a SPIRAL in the sky! What’s funny is, you could barely see it with your bare eyes. I had put on my husbands polarized sunglasses to protect my eyes from the bright sun and that is when I saw the spiral. I took off the glasses and the spiral was barely noticeable. I probably would have never noticed it if it had not been for the polarized sunglasses. I have NO idea what it was. Does anyone know? I’ve done a google search but didn’t really come up with anything. I tried taking the picture, and it was barely noticeable, so I put the sunglasses in front of the camera lens and snapped the picture and the spiral showed up clearly! I have no idea why it’s more noticeable when seen through polarized lenses. It’s all a mystery to me! I’m hoping someone can answer the question. WHAT IS THIS?
Here’s a closer view, taken with the polarized sunglasses over the camera lens
Notice how it’s lighter without the Polarized Lens? Still visible, but barely.
Any ideas? What made this spiral in the sky?

Spose could be some sort of jet trail….
You live in the USA? Cuz if you live in FL or TX, could also be from rocket takeoff…. Iteresting…
I’m In Hawaii. Couldn’t be a Rocket, but a jet…maybe? Thanks for your ideas!
That would have been amazing to see. It looks very out of this world. I googled it and came up with this http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2012/07/27/us-airforce-claims-to-be-source-of-mysterious-cloud-rings-seen-in-skies-over-hawaii/
Whom ever made it either manmade or natural occurance it is beautiful.
Hi Andrea! Thanks for sharing that post! It looks a lot like the picture in the post, but if it is, it may be a chemtrail? Sounds Scary! That’s actually what my husband was trying to tell me, and now I see he may be right!
Very weird… and cool! I have never seen anything like that before… if you figure it out please update! Eeekk hopefully not a chemtrail!
Reminds me of the mystery of crop circles. Frankly, I’m not sure I ever need an answer, but mysteries like this, remind me of nature’s awesomeness.
Weird… Never seen anything like that before…
I was thinking it looked like the trail of a jet too..but what jet moves in spirals like that? Maybe one with a confused captain! I don’t know! Very interesting!
I know, I’d expect jets to leave straight lines, not a spiral!
How very odd, but very cool too! I have never seen anything like this before!
Pretty neat photos. I wonder what caused that? Either way they were neat to see cause I have never seen that before!
Very odd – haven’t got a clue!
It’s a crop circle in the sky! I’m in Hawaii too, I’ll keep a look out for more 😉
Wow,looks like something from a sci-fi movie.
It does, doesn’t it? Very strange!!
cool,i have never seen anything like this before..