June brought a few great yard sale finds, and tons of cheap clothes! I was so excited to find the book “Mockingjay”. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s the third book in the Hunger Games series. Unfortunately I still haven’t read the second book in the series, I’m hoping I find it soon, or I’ll just have to buy it full price. I found a bunch of other books, including “The Help” which I heard is a really good read. Most books were $0.25 – $0.50 each. My husband found a great deal on some fishing poles. At $5 a piece he was shocked that that they hadn’t already been sold. He was told he could easily re-sell them for $100 each! We also found a cute wooden storage cube with a wicker drawer that I absolutely love. We’re using it as toy storage. So, all together we did pretty good for the month of June. We found some great things, and didn’t spend much at all.
Hardcover Mockingjay Book – $2
Wooden Storage Cube – $5
You can take a look at my past Yard Sale Finds HERE

Love that storage bin!! I love going to yardsales, because you NEVER Know what you’ll find that can be resold easily!
LOVE the storage cube and love yard sales! We have found most of the furniture for our new house at yard sales!
Ever since I started yard saling, I never want to buy furniture brand new! lol
I really love the storage bench with basket. They are usually so expensive in stores, looks like you got an amazing deal here!
Yardsales hmm?
Never actually went to any myself. I may have to take Augest (while husband is working) and check it out.
I love yard sales. We never have great stuff like you find.:0)
I guess most of us would love to find a yard sale selling the wooden storage cube for $5.00. Congrats on such a great deal!