The Doc McStuffins Get Better Check Up Center is one of 15 awesome toys featured in Kmart’s Fab 15 Toys. The Fab 15 features the 15 hottest toys of the season for all ages and stages.
Doc McStuffins is show on Disney Jr. about a little girl who wants to be a doctor like her mom. She pretends to be a doctor by fixing up her toys and giving them check-ups. It’s a cute show that my daughter enjoys which is why I just knew she’d love the Get Better Check Up Center.
The Get Better Check Up Center is a great toy that helps to build a child’s imagination. Through pretend play kids can give their toys check-ups just like Doc McStuffins. Included with the play set is Docs friend Lambie. When you place Lambie on the table lights and sounds are activated. There’s a bunch of great features that come with the Check Up Center. There’s a talking Big Book of Boo Boo’s, light and sound x-rays, the height checker clicks, there’s a moveable scale, the faucet makes noise, there’s a bandage sticker dispenser and Hallie talks to you on the phone. It also comes with some doctors tools to enhance play time.
This set is made out of plastic, but still pretty durable. It’s very cute and compact so you won’t need a big space for it which is great. It’s the perfect play set for any Doc McStuffins fan or even those who like to pretend being a doctor. It’s recommended for children ages 3 and up and will be enjoyed by both girls and boys.
Want more great gift ideas for the upcoming Holidays? Check out Livin’ The MOMMY Life’s 2013 Holiday Gift Guide
Disclosure: I received this item for inclusion in my 2013 Holiday Gift Guide. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

My daughter would absolutely love this she is always playing doctor with her dolls etc.
Wish I could find this somewhere!!!
I just searched online, and it seems it’s sold out everywhere online! Have you checked your local Kmart?
Checked online, and it’s available at Kmart!
My 4 yr old loves Doc! Stuffy and Lamby are her favorite toys, and she loves to play doctor.
This is such a cute toy! I think any little girl would love it. It is especially great to see a toy/show that portrays a female character as a doctor.
My daughter gets a little uneasy going to the doctor. I would love to win this prize and hopefully help her overcome her fear.
My grand daughter loves Doc McStuffins. This would be an awesome gift for her.
My little girl would be so excited to get this!
My daughter wants one of these sooo bad. She love to play doctor. Thanks for the chance to win one:)
My granddaughter would be so excited, I can see her big eyes now. Here’s hoping!
My daughter would absolutely adore this!!
my kids are big doc mc stuffins fans and when they play pretend they always use random items around the house or other toys as doc equipment its pretty cute! this would make the roleplaying complete for them! great review
My 3 yr old Daughter LOVES Doc McStuffins! For some reason I think she’s very cute too. I sing the theme song sometimes. Yes I do need more adult interaction, lol. I thik this is a really cool check up center and my lil girl would lose her mind if she got this for Christmas. It is on my list.
I think its cool she can talk to Hallie on the phone. She will like it too.
I catch myself singing the theme song too! lol.
My daughter is five, and she’s already decided that she’s going to be a surgeon. She loves Doc McStuffins and all things medical!
I’d love to win this for my granddaughters.
My niece is in love with Doc Mcstuffins and REALLY wants this!! Would love to win this and get this for her for Christmas!!!
My daughter would love this for Christmas
This would be the perfect gift for my 2-year old daughter who loves the show and wants to be a doctor!
My best friend’s daughter is obsessed with Doc. This would be the coolest Christmas gift!!
My two year old loves this show! She has the Lambie slippers and this Christmas will be aDoc Mcstuffins Christmas!
My little girl would be so excited to get this, SHE LOVES DOC MCSTUFFINS!
It is a fantastic item that I am sure my children would be thrilled to receive! I think it encourages creative and imaginative role play.
My daughter has been asking for this for Christmas, but I was afraid we wouldn’t have any space for it. I’m glad I read your review!! I feel better knowing it’s not very large. Thank you!!
Our KMarts closed a couple years ago here in my town. My sister still has one in her town so she could go check out the 15 toys. I’m glad that this doesn’t take up much space, half the living room is already filled with toys lol I like that it requires imagination to use the set 🙂 Thank you for the review!
My granddaughter would absolutely LOVE this. My daughter is a nurse so she wants to be just like her Mommy. Too cute!!
My daughter LOVES Doc & can’t go to sleep without her Lambie. I would love to win this for her. She would flip to find this under the Christmas tree from Santa. 🙂
My 2 1/2 year old daughter loves Doc! She now also pretends to give her toys a “check-up” because of watching Doc McStuffins. I think the show is a good example for my daughters because it teaches them how to care about others. 🙂
My grandaughter would love love love this!!
My daughter would absolutely LOVE this…
I want this soooo bad for my daughter but can’t afford to get her one 🙁 I have entered several contests trying to win one hopefully this is the one! Thanks 🙂
My granddaughter would be so thrilled, we watch her every day on TV.
This is the cutest set. My grandsons absolutely love this show and I love how this would help them both with imaginative play. This show has made going to the doctor not such a scary experience for my grandsons.
This is adorable. My 2 yr old granddaughters love this show. They have very active imaginations, so this would be great for them.
This is definitely a must-have on my daughter’s Christmas list this year! She’s Doc McStuffins crazy. She has the Doc McStuffins doctors bag and a few accessories, but this would be awesome 🙂
This is so cute! My daughter actually has asked for this for Christmas!
My Grandkids would love this. This is the first time I have seen this think this would make a great Christmas present for them.
This is so cute!
My granddaughter loves Doc McStuffins. After reading this, I know it’s right for her.
I love this play set because it encourages kids to be ‘just like Doc McStuffins’ … who fixes her toys rather than throw them away, and uses her imagination rather than stare at a video screen! Great giveaway!
Even though this seems geared more towards girls, I think both of my children would love this (one of each). I like looking for a big gift that they can share or play with together.
I know that both of my girls would have a lot of fun with this! They already play doctor with the little bag they have. If they have an actual doctor office they would be in doctor heaven!!
Oh! My little girl would love this.
My niece is crazy about Doc McStuffin and this would be such an amazing blessing to be able to give to her! Thank you for this opportunity!
This is great we love Doc and her big book of boo boos
This would definitely be a wonderful present for the girls. Thank you for doing the review on this.
This is on my little ones Christmas list. Just wish it wasn’t so expensive.
this is very nice for the kids to play daughter love to be very observant when we go to the doctor,then when we are home she tries doing the same thing that was done to her at the doctors.
This is so fun! We like Doc McStuffins and would have a blast playing with the check up center. Thanks for the photos and review!
My 3 year old is OBSESSED with doc! and this is her number one gift on her list that she wants this year! So fun!
My daughter would love this. she watches this show everyday.
Such a fun toy and amazing givaway!!!!
My 4 year old daughter would love this. She loves Doc Mcstuffins and loves to play doctor on her dolls and stuffed animals. The Doc Mcstuffins Get Better Check Up Center would make a great Christmas gift for her.
One of my granddaughters is a huge Doc McStuffins fan. She would really enjoy this. And you’re right, both boys & girls will love it. Thanks for reviewing this item. I’m adding it to the Christmas list.
My daughter looooooooooooves Doc McStuffins, I would love to give her this for christmas this year. It looks super fun and I know she would enjoy it very much. Thanks for the review !!
love this!!
We LOVE Doc McStuffins! I think it is the cutest cartoon with such a nice message. My daughter got the Dr. bag for her birthday, but would love this. Great review! Thanks for the giveaway! Good luck, everyone!
my granddaughters would really enjoy this. she has most of the dc mcstuffin toys but not this one.
My three year old absolutely loves Doc McStuffins!
My four year old was Doc McStuffins for Halloween and would LOVE this!!
My daughter loves Doc McStuffins! She was her for Halloween, and pretends to give her stuffed animals check ups every day. She would love this check up station 🙂
My daughters are so excited about the Get Better Check Up Center. One of them is mystified with the stickers- she keeps telling me about them.
Haha the talking Big Book of Boos Boos sold it for me! My three year old would love this!
This would be so awesome to play with my daughter.
My nieces would absolutely love this! I like all the different features and stations.
My granddaughter’s and I would have so much fun with this toy. My grandson is 2 years old and we can make him the patient. I love that it lights up and makes sounds. Lots of fun with this.
Doc McStuffins is so cute the kids would love playing with this check up center hours of fun
I love this I wish my daughter was still young to the point that she would play with this
Know a couple of 3 year old granddaughters who would love this!!
My daughter is 3 1/2 and LOVES Doc McStuffins! She would be so happy to open this gift. Thanks for the chance!
My youngest who is three would love this Doc McStuffins Check Up Center. She adores Doc and loves the show and books. I could see her spending lots of time checking up her dolls and stuffed animals just like Doc does. I love how this toy allows her to use her imagination openly, I think my oldest would enjoy it too (she is 9), even though she would never admit to playing with it!
This is too cute!! Both my daughter and 18 month old son would love it!! 🙂
Aww… this is so cute! As a Nurse, I’d LOVE to win this for my Grandaughter – girls CAN grow up to be Doctors, now more than ever! (And it’s never too early to start fostering that dream, LOL!) Thanks for the great review!
Would love that for my daughter.
my daughter would love this. her and my son love to play pretend and it is great for their imagination.
The Doc McStuffins Get Better Check Up Center would be perfect for my niece, who is a big fan of the cartoon. I have actually watched Doc McStuffins with her. It’s a cute show.
My 2 year old Grandson loves Doc McStuffins . We watch it everyday
My daughter will be 4 in February and she love Doc McStuffins. We both know all of the songs, lol. Would love to win this!!
Our younges would love this!
This is exactly what I am getting my granddaughter for Christmas – she absolutely adores Doc McStuffins! It would be awesome to win it!
my daughter would love this!!! She loves this show!!
I think the Doc McStuffins Check Up Center is adorable. I wish our K Mart carried it. I wanted to see it in person, but not in stock.
this is too adorable. my grandson is a huge doc mcstuffins fan, I don’t know why they pigeonhole these toys as boy or girl toys. the show is so sweet and Zac loves it (and spiderman)
My daughters would absolutely love this!! They love this show and I’ve been wondering if this would be worth getting them! Glad to hear it is:)
would love to have this at my house so when my 2 granddaughters come over they would love this since they love the show!
Great for imaginary play which opens a whole new world. My 4 year old would love this
I was widowed not that long ago and am struggling financially, this would be an awesome gift for my granddaughters for Christmas! Let me be the lucky one!
My daughter LOVES Doc McStuffins! Even my 6 year old son loves Doc McStuffins. They would be over the moon to find this in the house!
My kids would love this! They love doc!
my Stella wants this sooooo bad. its all she says she wants for christmas…
My youngest will be 6 on December 16th. She loves taking care of her “sick” stuffed animals and other toys. She always telling me how this one hurt its leg or that one has a bruise. Its adorable! She’s had little doctor kits but she would love this set.
We love doc McStuffins!
Our daughter June loves Doc McStuffins!! I’ve already bought her the Dr. bag set and a figure set of them for Christmas and this would be an amazing addition to them!! She would flip.. in a good way 🙂 lol I love that it makes noises and the movable scale is the part she would love best.
My granddaughter would love to have this. She is getting into Doc McSuffins now.
The only time my son half way behaves is at the Dr’s office, this would be a wonderful addition to his play toys.
Myn grandkids would love to have this – they always watch Doc McStuffins and want to pretend they are doctors taking care of grandma
I think this is just adorable and would be great for my grand-daughter.
My niece wants this so bad.
My daughters just showed me this when we were looking through the toy cataloges and they went crazy over this!!
Both my childeen love doc mcstuffins and I am sure they would love this toy.
My Daughter would love this!!
My daughter and I love Doc McStuffins we watch it together all the time!!! She would LOVE this!!!!
My granddaughters would love this! They play doctor to their dollies all the time.
My son would LOVE this for Christmas!! Thank you for the chance!
My youngest grand-daughter would so love this. It would just make her Christmas morning, fingers crossed.
My daughter would love this.
this would be nice to win
This is a great toy and would be wonderful to win for my youngest daughter who loves Doc McStuffins
My 3 year old would love this, she is a huge Doc fan. I have already bought her Doc’s lab coat for Christmas.
my granddaughter would love to have this.
Great review! My daughter LOVES Doc Mcstuffins – thank you so much for hosting a giveaway & giving everyone a chance to win this!! ^^
My son and niece would love this. I love that it comes with so many of the medical instruments that she uses in the show so they are familiar with it. It could only be better if it came with Hallie too! 🙂
My Skylerbug would love this…….she watches doc mcstuffins everyday
My daughter would LOVE this. Thanks!!
My four year old has a medical cart that she adores — she loves Doc McStuffins, so I know this would be a perfect Christmas gift for her!!
Doc McStuffins is crazy popular with the kids I know. It’d be a great prize to win!
My granddaughter Katie would love this-she loves putting bandaids on her stuffed animals and dolls
My daughter would absolutely love this toy!
My niece LOVES Doc and will most certainly LOVE this!
I would love to win this for my beautiful daughter! We saw this in the store and it was so adorable-it’s at the top of her Christmas list!
My kids would love this! Thanks for the chance!
My granddaughter had this on her birthday wish list. It as 11-10.
This was the only thing on my daughter’s letter to Santa this year!
This is an amazing toy!
My daughter really wants this asked for it for Christmas and they’re sold out everywhere. Good luck everyone
My kids love the show and have seen ads for this toy on tv and asked me for it! They would LOVE it!
My daughter has been asking for this, would love to win!
my daughter loves this show and is always playing Dr. she would love this!
This looks so cute! My daughters would have lots of fun playing with this set. I really like toys that allow them to really use their imagination and role play!
My daughter loves Doc Mcstuffins so this would be perfect for her.
I feel like you get quite a bit for your money with this set (compared to other Disney things). My kiddo got the talking Doc McStuffins doll for her birthday and is obsessed with all things related to the show. She would love this!
My daughter has been begging for this! Too bad between Sofia the first and every other Doc toy I am over the Christmas budget!
My daughter would love to get this for Christmas! She loves to play doctor with her little medical set she has now, but this would blow her mind! She loves Doc and lambie!!! I love that it comes with a talking big book of boo boos! That is so cute! I’m glad to know that it doesn’t take up much room, because we don’t have much room left! LOL ~ Carrie Demas
My daughter is asking for this but I am wondering if it is too small for her since she is 7. I worry that it is built for more of a preschool size child.
My oldest daughter is 6 and she enjoys it! It is kind of small, but a 7 year old would still be able to play with it.
How cute is this? My daughter would have a ball with this,thanks for the chance to win!
My daughter would love to find this under the christmas tree. This is on her wishlist. She is a big doc mcstuffins fan.
I’d love to win this for my niece she would love it.
This is a wonderful opportunity to win an awesome toy. Thank you. I’m sure my 3yo granddaughter would love it!
i love how you say this helps build a child’s imagination, i can so picture that as it looks so much fun!!!
Thanks for the giveaway! My little sister wants this for Christmas!
would love to win this for my grandbabies!
Luv this, and the fact the review says tht it is very durable plastic, so it will last
this is so cute, i love that it is compact aand small enough to be put in smaller areaas, i also like that it is all plastic, makes for easy cleanup, very cute , i bet my little future doctors will love this
I would love to win this for my granddaughter! She would just love this! thanks for this awesome giveaway! connie danielson
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway, my granddaughter really wants this, she loves Doc McStuffins.
I would love to win this for my daughter! She loves Doc Mcstuffins…
my daughter would so love this!!
This is adorable! My 2yo daughter absolutely loves Doc McStuffins!! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
This is adorable, my kids love Doc!
my niece would love this
This is super adorable! Some toys nowadays are not fun looking and this looks FUN! My kiddos would love this! The whole color scheme and the parts totally look amazing!!!
My daughter would love this it’s sold out everywhere please pick us
I want that doc mcstuffins!!! my 2 year old has been hospitalized for sickle cell anemia and seizures since weeks old. she hates the doctor. this should make the doctors seem fun
It looks wellmade!
i have a niece who would love this.
Such a great gift for a little ones birthday or Christmas!
My 3 yr old is obsessed with this! She has told me she wants to be a doctor when she grows up! I am thinking this may be an excellent Christmas present. Thanks for the review! It’s nice to hear opinions about toys before you decide to spend the money. Having a family of 6 kids, it is appreciated because I have to make every penny count!
This looks like a lot of fun!
My baby girl would love to have one.I have to win this.
ow no my daughter’s going to love this!!!
my daughter is mcstuffs obsessed! she will love this!
This is super cute, I know that my daughter would love it!
My daughter is obsessed with her, would really love to get one for Christmas! They are currently sold out everywhere!
My daughter would love this!
Been trying to buy the doc mcstuffins center for 3 weeks now. Everyday i am on the phone and computer checking for it. Hoping to find one soon. My 5 and 2 yr old daughters have this toy on their list!
My daughter really wants this!I hope Santa can come through for her!
My daughter would love this for Christmas! If we had the money for it, I would search high and low for it, but we’re having a small Christmas this year.
We have a little girl who would love this!
Omg this thing is so cool! Looks like a really fun toy for little kids, I would have loved this when I was little (probably still would haha)
Thanks for the review!
My daughter would love to have this she watchs her show every day and she seen this. Toy on tv amd ask me if Santa would get it for her
I’d love to win this for my granddaughter
Hope I win this for my little girl!
My daughters would love this. They love the show DocMcStuffins
My granddaughter would LOVE this!! I would be the best Rah Rah (that’s what she calls me <3) in the world if I gave this to her! 🙂
I love this- it is one of my top picks this year.
I would love to win this for my niece. She loves Doc McStuffins and this would be the perfect gift for her if I were to win.
My daughter wants this for Christmas
This looks so cute! I’d think it’d be a good way to show my daughter about going to the doctor but also taking our cats to the vet
This would be an AWESOME Christmas gift. This would really help out.
How great is this tv program!?!? So wonderful to see not only a femal doctor, but an african american one at that! My daughter is bi-racial so for her to see this and possibly interact with this toy, is inspiring for her and y other little girl 🙂
Great review! My kids love Doc McStuffins. I’ve seen this in the stores and online, and I know my kids would love it!
this is great ive never seen this before my daughter would love this im glad she hsen seen this of she would be bugging me to get har one
My daughter loves doc mcstuffins. If is one of the alone shows I allow her to watch. She makes her dad be the patient and checks his heart beat lol!! She would love this so much!!
My daughter would love this. Would be amazing to be able to win for her.
This is the perfect toy for any Doc Mcstuffins fan. My daughter loves her show and anything related to her. From the pajamas, underwear, clothes and check up bag, she loves it all. This check up center would just complete her love for the show. I know my daughter would have endless hours of fun with this.
My daughter wants one so bad. Can’t find it anywhere! If love to win it for her
So excited!!!
my daughter would love this!
My little girl would be so excited to get this!
My daughter would love it!
My three year old son LOVES Doc! I know he would LOVE this at home!
My girls love her and would love to have this.
This all my niece wants for Christmas! She loves this show and everything about Doc McStuffins! Thanks for the opportunity!!
Oh, my. I have looked for this everywhere for my daughter, but it is sold out everywhere. My daughter is three and has never asked for anything from Santa until last week when she asked for this.
This is so cute my daugher would go absolutely nuts! Thanks for the great review!
My wife and I have looked for this everywhere but it is all sold out!
I was looking at this for my little girl, she LOVES Doc.McStuffins. I didn’t know it was THAT interactive. She would love this.
Both my dds would love this! They play checkup everyday!
My daughter’s been asking for this for XMAS but I can’t find it anywhere! Hopefully will find it soon before the big day!!!!
Thank you for the opportunity. My kids would love this. They are huge fans of Doc Mcstuffins.
Oh my girls would just LOVE this!
Hey my nieces would love this!! thanks for the giveaway!
My girls will love this!
My daughter is Doc’s biggest fan.. she would just love this toy so much on Christmas morning ! we are looking everywhere!
I have been looking for one of these EVERYWHERE! It is sold out everywhere I look! My little girl will be very upset if Santa doesn’t bring one.
My 3 year old daughte would love this.
We have a dvr filled with Doc Mcstuffins! This would be so cute for Christmas!
My granddaughter would love this
My kids love Doc.This would be a great gift!
Oh my goodness, I had no idea this thing was around. My daughter would LOVE the check up station! She’s so into “doctoring” these days!
My granddaughter would love this
So excited for this giveaway! Thank you 🙂 This is one of 2 things on my daughter’s Christmas list, and of course it is sold out everywhere.
This is so cute! My girls would love it!
my 4 year old would really like this
My daughter wants this for Christmas and I can not find it anywhere
Having a baby, would love to give this to the older sibling.
My niece would LOVE this! She just got the little doctor bag for her birthday, and has been having a blast with it. She would go nuts with something like this. Doc McStuffins is such a cute show.
This was on my son’s wish list. I wish I had known it was going to sell out, I would have got it early. It would be nice to win!
What an awesome toy. My granddaughter would love this for Christmas
My daughter just loves her! And has started putting bandaids on her animals!
My daughter loves Doc and all her different toys now she wants to be a doctor when she grows up
my 3yr old daughter loves doc mcstuffins thank you for the chance.
My daughter is 8 years old and ever since she was five she has said she wanted to be a doctor when she grows up, and Doc McStuffins is her favorite show I know she would love this.
Oh my goodness, this is so clever and cute! My little two year old niece is obsessed with Doc Mcstuffins, and I would be the coolest Aunt if I got her this for christmas… hmm, definitely an idea to keep in mind!
My girls love this!
This is sooo cute!! My daughter would totally love this 🙂
My daughter would seriously mame or kill for this toy! She has been obsessed with it since she saw it in the Toys R Us Big Book!
My daughter would absolutely love this! She has been a Doc McStuffins fan from the start!!
My daughter would love the Doc McStuffins get better check up center. She has been improvising with an old children’s ironing board for examining her stuffed animals but she be so thrilled with the real thing instead!
I have been looking for this for my daughter. Its so hard to find now. This would make her christmas
All 4 of my daughters LOVE Doc McStuffins! They would be so excited to receive this!
My girls love Doc McStuffins and would be thrilled to have this Get Better Check Up Center!
My daughter would love this she’s 2 and this was the one thing she kept pointing out on all the toy books
My daughter would play on and on with this toy.
I see her taking care of her dolls all the time!
My daughter really wants this! She’s been constantly talking about it. Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the chance!
My daughter would love this sooooooo much. I wish I could afford something like that. Fingers crossed, Hope to win so badly. This would be absolutely incredible to win.
My granddaughter would love this so much!
My 3 years old daughter is a fan of doc, it’s worth the try. finger crossed, thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for the chance to win an awesome gift!
My cousin’s twin girls would go crazy for this! They looove Doc McStuffins!!
How fun! I love the talking book of Boo-Boos and the Xray machine! My 2 and 4 year old would love one of these. Thanks for the review!
I think this is not only a wonderful toy, but it might help kids get over the anxiety of going to the DR. Wonder if they could make one for the dentist. 😉
My daughter loves Doc McStuffins so much! She would go absolutely nuts over this toy!
Awesome! Doc McStuffins is one of my daughters favorite shows, this would be awesome for her!
My 4 year old daughter wants this for Christmas…… I would love to win this!!!
This is neat, my daughter would love this.
This would make a great Christmas gift for my daughter.