So, it’s been a month since my husband and I started the INSANITY: 60-Day Total Body Conditioning Workout DVD Program. It actually went by a lot faster than I had expected. Has it gotten easier? No, not really! I really thought it would start to get easier, but I’m still dripping with sweat by the end of my workout. I do notice some differences though. For one, in the beginning, I would get so tired that I’d have to stop and take breaks a lot more often, or I’d just jog in place instead of doing the workout they were doing because I just couldn’t do it. I was completely out of shape! When it came time to stretch, I could barely reach past my knees, and that was with my legs spread apart. Then one day I noticed I could touch the floor!
So, although it doesn’t seem easier, I have gotten better at it. This may be a result of physio training and exercise on a daily basis. As for me and my husband, I am so proud of ourselves for keeping up. I don’t think I’ve ever lasted a month on eating healthy and exercising! I normally do it for a while, then go back to my old ways. But at this point, I am so positive about our workout plan that I might even consider hiring a personal trainer Edmonton or an expert near my house to guide us properly. I really want to succeed in this fitness challenge, and for that, I am ready to adopt a few changes in my daily habits and lifestyle. I can’t believe I haven’t had ANY junk food in a month! If you know me, you’d know I’m a junk food junkie! I’d spend days snacking on junk foods! No Ice cream and no Dr. Pepper in a month, that’s a major accomplishment. The funny thing is, I don’t crave those things anymore. I don’t NEED to have it.
I usually start off my day with either some Greek yogurt or whole wheat toast with peanut butter and honey, and some fruit. For a snack I have more fruit, a smoothie, a Pure Bar or a KIND bar. Lunch is a turkey wrap or sandwich, or sometimes leftovers from dinner the night before. Dinners vary from whole wheat pasta, chicken breast cooked different ways, fish and tofu and always with lots of veggies. We also made pizza one night on whole wheat English Muffins!
So, I’m sure you’re wondering if we’ve seen any results with Insanity. Well, I’m happy to say that YES, both my husband and I have seen great results. It’s good to know that our hard work is paying off! When we started the Insanity Program I was 138 lbs. and I weighed myself this morning and found that I lost 8 pounds! I weighed in at 130 lbs. Not quite my goal weight, but I’m so close! I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to lose those last 5 pounds in the next month, 10 pounds would be amazing, but I’ll be happy if I reach 125 lbs. My husband started off at 198.7, he lost 14 pounds in a month! He now weighs 184.1. He’s doing really good and hadn’t expected to lose that much in the first month. Anyways, losing extra fat can be considered a great way to avoid health issues such as cardiovascular diseases. Too much fat tends to partially block the arteries near the heart which can give rise to atrial fibrillation. This can make the heart beat irregularly and you may have to consult a private cardiologist who can examine your condition and provide appropriate treatment. Therefore, to avoid facing such health issues, working out to lose excessive fat can be advisable.
Coming back to us, tomorrow is our rest day followed by one week of recovery. I’m guessing the recovery week won’t be as strenuous. After the recovery week is over our second month starts, and I’ve heard the second month is a lot harder than the first! I’m not exactly looking forward to the harder workouts. It’s hard enough as it is! But, I am looking forward to my final results, and I’ll push myself through it because I know the final results will be well worth it! Maybe I will look for some supplements that can help with tiredness and fatigue so that we both can give our best to this workout challenge. I might have heard a little about how CBD and marijuana can aid with low energy levels and stamina. I can explore a marijuana delivery service in my neighborhood or online to get a few cannabis products like mushrooms, vapes, or edibles. I think, all the help we can get to finish this challenge and see valuable results will turn out to be worth it.
Here’s our results so far starting from the day we started. Each week I wasn’t really noticing the differences in the pictures, but when I compare day one with today, I definitely see a difference!
You can read about the start of our Journey HERE.
Want to try Insanity for yourself? Get it HERE
Looking for part 2, our final results? Unfortunately you won’t find it, find out why HERE

Hubby and I really want to do this. Glad to know it works.
wow you look good adn hope you keep up with it
Thank You!
Way to go, I love reading about your success! I’m the same way with stopping and starting over and over. Trying to stay motivated this time around. π
Thanks! This really is the first time I’m really sticking with it. If you put your mind to it, you can do it! What kinds of workouts are you doing?
Wow! Great going!!
Great job!
You both are looking awesome. Great Job. I have wondered about this. Ill have to talk to the hubby man and see what he has to say.
You both look great!! I so should get back to the gym…argh!
Thanks! I really wish we had a Gym nearby..i’m wondering what I’ll do once this Insanity Program is done! I think I’ll have to invest in an elliptical or treadmill.
Great job guys!! Congrats! It has been fun following along with your process! I am so scared to try the Insanity workout but I just might π
Good job! I know so many people who have done well with this program!
You both look great! You can definitely tell the difference and the loss of pounds. I’ve been getting into the habit of working out from home because it’s easier than going to the gym and worrying about a sitter. I usually do Taebo DVD’s but have been getting bored. A lot of my friends are on insanity workouts as well but I have always been skeptical if it really works as it says. Now i see it does!
Wow! You two look great! You can tell this really is working!
Good job!
I can’t wait to tell my Aunt about this workout.
Wow that is amazing. Good for you! You look fantastic!
Thank You! π
Great work! I’ve been curious about Insanity, since I saw an infomercial. I can’t wait to see your final results!
You’re doing awesome, girl!
I love Dr. Pepper too but now I save it for a very special occasion!
Thanks for linking up with us Women Getting Healthy Together!
I haven’t had a Dr. Pepper yet, but I am planning to treat myself to one as soon as this last month is over!
You are both doing great with it! Good luck!
I need to do this…. Look at your tummy, it looks great π
Congratulations!! Way to go – to be so close – WOW!!! You can do it!!!
Thanks! We started the 2nd month today..and it was SO HARD!! 1 more month of this Insanity!
wow what a transformation you two look great
you are looking great! I can already see that 6 pack! π Thanks for linking up!
How has it been since the month is over? Are you still doing the workout?
AWW you both look great! It’s always a good idea to workout losing weight or the belly with a friend, loved one or coach! Good for you both!
wow great job! A happy and healthy mom is the best gift to a family!
So true! Thanks…
Thank you for sharing your journey!
Thanks for sharing….gives me added motivation to keep working at it.
looks amazing… GREAT job!
This is awesome!! what great results π
wow! amazing. this is indeed insane π keep it up guys. i can see some great results with your persistence in this kind of workout.
Way to go for you and your hubby! I and hubby also doing this right now. Although I started a week early than him π I am on my third week and same here I thought it will get easier but every time is like the first day π
Thanks! We should have been done by now, but still have about 5 says to go. It’s been over a week since we did a workout because hubby started working again and is too tired when he gets home! I really need to finish this π
gorgeous and huge improvement. i need to lose weight too.
Did you post part two?!
No π unfortunately I stopped about 4 days before I was complete with my second month. My hubby went back to work and by the time he’d get home he was too tired, I couldn’t get motivated to do it alone. At the end I had lost about 12 pounds and my hubby lost 20!
I love Insanity! It is one tough workout. I keep planning on getting it out and using it again because I slacked off